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What is Open Spaces Project?

Open Spaces is a non profit mission organization located on the Central Coast of California. We are a platform to launch a variety of projects that would serve the spiritual, physical, and relational needs of our communities. 

OPEN SPACES PROJECT (Banner (Landscape)) (Instagram Post (Square)).png

The name "Open Spaces"

"Open Spaces" or "Rehoboth" in Hebrew, is a well named by Isaac in Genesis 26:22. We see this name as a metaphor for our organization. 

Old Globe

"5 com" Projects

We empower people to start new missional experiments around 5 main areas to see a move of the gospel. 

Book on Table

Simple Church

Open Spaces organizes intentionally simple churches, centered on Jesus and community, designed to multiply.

About the name "Open Spaces"

Open Spaces is a name that comes from the Bible, Genesis 26:22. Isaac's family was in a dispute over the rights of wells. After finding conflict and hostility at two wells, he found a third well for which nobody else challenged. He named this well "Rehoboth", meaning "Open Spaces", declaring: "Now the Lord has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land." We see this name as a metaphor for our organization. Instead of having a "top down" mandate for everything we do, Open Spaces is a launching platform for leaders to experiment with new ideas. Our directors and leaders seek to empower fresh missional ideas and provide the support underneath it.

5 Components and Open Spaces Projects

Open Spaces is a platform to launch missional experiments organized around five components we have identified as common whenever a move of the gospel occurs:

  1. Activating Prayer

  2. Engaging Culture

  3. Making Disciples

  4. Developing Leaders

  5. Forming Churches​

Using Open Spaces as a platform, someone could:

  1. Fundraise and launch a 24/7 prayer room or organize neighborhood prayer walks.

  2. Start a community garden to teach gardening and donate fresh produce to local food charities. 

  3. Launch discovery groups among friends as a place to have spiritual conversations or investigate the Bible.

  4. Host a group of people to learn about movements of the gospel and equip them with tools for mission.

  5. Begin a simple church with new believers in Jesus.

There are countless ideas for missional experiments. For more information, check out our 5 com page.

Simple Church

Open Spaces organizes simple churches, focused on Jesus, community, and mission, and are designed to multiply outward. Here are a few values of our simple church model:

  1. Our teaching time is a discovery based science lab rather than a lecture hall. Sermon based teaching is not the norm.

  2. We implement all five voices that Jesus gifted to people: apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. Our simple church leadership model has multiple voices rather than a senior preacher/leader.

  3. Because our gatherings are not the center point of our existence, inviting or attracting unchurched people to the gathering is not the priority. Rather we encourage our community to invite the unchurched into their own lives so Jesus can be discovered there.

  4. Participation is more important than observation. So we gather with the understanding that the gifts of many will be implemented rather than just a few people from a stage.

  5. Generosity is important. The financial givers in a simple church do not receive the benefit of the money they give. All giving goes outside the church to those in need or for the work of mission. 

And this only begins the conversation. Read our extended vision for more info.


© 2020 by Open Spaces Project

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